sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

porfolio trimestral

Lo que más me ha gustado este trimestre, ha sido la tarea del deporte extremo, aunque al final era optativa,
Lo que menos me ha gustado han sido los Exámenes.

Debería mejorar  mi atención.
Estoy orgulloso de mi inglés

jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

surf extreme

2-You must practice it the sea
3You have to be in good physical condition
4-You must Hold or release it: you have to know when to stick to your board and when to release it.
5-You don´t have to consume alcohol
6- If you catch a zone of   unruly waters , remember that is called R.I.P. You  don´t have to panic
7-You must make sure it's safe to surf before you do
8--Always make sure not to be in the wave of another person
9-Always use a good waterproof sunscreen.
10-special clothing
and accessories.neoprene dress, boots, cap and neoprene gloves,  in warm weather climates.
And the surfboard

surf extreme